This collection of horror posters was pitched for Art Star, as part of my Entrepreneurial Design Class, which aimed at giving students real world opportunities to sell their work. The owner of Art Star asked for Philadelphia themed merchandise. I pitched the concept of Gritty in horror movies. The client requested 3 8x10 prints. After working on sketches, roughs and a first final (below)  I presented my project to the client. She was disappointed and expressed that she envisioned a different, less cute approach. After that, I reworked my aesthetic entirely, paying homage to iconic horror movie posters rather than drawing Gritty in different horror costumes. The client was pleased with the new direction and even picked them to sell at Art Star. The prints are now available in store and online. 


Gritty Horror Posters


Art Instructor: Katey Strafford

Client Work, Illustration


The prints are now available at Art Stars store and online. This project was really successful in a sense that I learned how to work with a client and cater to their wants.